Webinar: How to plant a plant

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How to Plant a Plant

Start your plants off right with the basics! We welcome back Garden Expert and Assistant Manager at our Pleasant Hill store, Shannon Fitzpatrick. She’ll walk us through how to plant a plant. This is a wonderful webinar for beginning gardeners, but also helpful for experienced gardeners who may want a refresher.

  1. Picking your plant
    • tree/shrub/pollinator? 4″/gallon/box?
  2. Deciding where to plant your plant
    • inside/outside? in a pot or in the ground?
  3. Removing your plant from the pot
    • bring your elbow grease
  4. Scoring/loosening plant roots
    • best practice for ALL plants, but CRUCIAL if pot/root-bound
  5. Preparing and moving into the new home
    • let me introduce .. the keeper stopper
    • make sure the hole is the right size for your plant
    • stand up straight
    • filling and packing the soil
    • don’t forget the fertilizer!!
  6. water, water, water

Curious if we have your favorite plant or product in stock? Call one of our locations directly and we'll be happy to check.