

A buttery legume often served boiled and then sprinkled with salt, Edamame are a favorite in many Japanese restaurants and at home.
Edamame are immature soybeans in the pod (or shelled) that are very high in protein, vitamins, calcium, iron, fiber and essential fatty acids. They’re not only nutritious, they’re also easy to grow.

Edamame grows well in dense plantings. Space rows 1 1/2 feet apart. Sow seeds 1 inch deep, 4-5 inches apart and thin to 8-10 inches apart. Increase the soil bacteria that will enhance the legume’s nitrogen fixing qualities by adding an inoculant at planting (we recommend Xtreme Gardening Mykos).

As with all beans, moisten soil thoroughly before planting, then do not water again until seedlings have emerged. Once growth starts, keep soil moist. Feed with E.B. Stone Tomato and Vegetable Food after plants are in active growth and again when pods start to form. Soybeans like long days (they are daylight dependent). Matures in about 90 days.

Plants produce bushy growth that’s up to 2-4 feet high. Harvest when pods get plump, but are still green.

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