5 easy-care houseplants you’ll love

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Entertaining this fall and winter? We have fabulous plants & pottery to brighten up your home and welcome guests.

Each fall we focus on some of our favorite houseplants. This year’s top picks: Pothos, Anthurium, ZZ plant, Sansevieria and Spathiphyllum will look gorgeous in the colorful, new, indoor pottery that just arrived in our stores. Available in a range of colors, this pottery will match any entertaining theme you can imagine. Stop by!


Anthurium makes an unusual houseplant in cooler climates.  As such, they are no more difficult to grow than some orchids.  The higher the humidity, the better.  For good bloom, locate by the window with good light but no direct sun.



The easiest houseplant to grow. Pothos is a long-growing, leafy vine that can reach 40 feet or more in tropical jungles. It usually confines itself to about 6-10 feet in containers, but don’t be surprised if yours just keeps growing.


Indoors Sansevieria can tolerate much or little light and seldom needs repotting.  It can withstand dry air, fluctuating temperatures, and scanty watering.



With leaves that resemble a calla lily, Spathiphyllum is one of the few flowering plants that grow and bloom readily indoors.  Grow in loose, fibrous potting mix and feed weekly with dilute liquid fertilizer.


zzz plant

 The ZZ plant with its attractive glossy foliage will be a winner in your home year-round.

Curious if we have your favorite plant or product in stock? Call one of our locations directly and we'll be happy to check.